For the Media

Best of the Cross-Site Convening: On poverty, race, global assessment, and student voice

Best of the Cross-Site Convening: On poverty, race, global assessment, and student voice

How do we frame the issues of poverty, race, and inequality in public education? Marian Wright Edelman, President of the Children’s Defense Fund, offers her take on leaving no child behind.  

What does global student assessment data mean for the United States? Linda Darling-Hammond, C.E. Ducommun Professor of Education at Stanford Graduate School of Education, discusses how data, best practice, and leadership should inform our policy.

How do we advocate for students and embrace them as partners in systemic change? Hear from a panel of high school and college students.

On October 16-17, 2014, more than 200 education thought leaders came together in Washington, D.C. to engage in these powerful discussions. Watch the video above for highlights of the NEA Foundation’s 8th annual Cross-Site Convening. 

The event also brought together 18 teams of union and district leaders from the NEA Foundation’s Closing the Achievement Gaps Initiative and Institute for Innovation in Teaching and Learning to develop systems and approaches to improve learning conditions and student performance in their communities.

Want more? Watch videos of all the keynote speakers, including Marian Wright Edelman, Linda Darling-Hammond, and Charles Blow, as well as the full panel discussions featuring students and master teachers.