Foundation Voices

NEA President Joins Up Close Podcast to Talk About Combatting Rising Educator Shortage

NEA President Joins Up Close Podcast to Talk About Combatting Rising Educator Shortage

Educators today are leaving the profession at an alarming rate and facing myriad challenges inside and outside of the classroom. A nationwide survey by the National Education Association in 2022 revealed that 55 percent of educators are considering leaving the profession earlier than planned. Becky Pringle, a 30-year educator and current president of National Education Association (NEA), joins the Up Close Podcast with Sara Sneed to discuss the impact of this growing trend of educators exiting the profession.

On episode 5, “Public Schools: A Public Good Worth Saving”, they explore some key ways to reverse this trend and make the teaching profession more diverse. Tune in as they discuss teacher recruitment and retention, attracting more educators of color to the profession, and improving teacher pay as important ways to transform the educator profession.

“Educators are central,” Pringle says. “They are central to the formation of the ideas, central to the implementation and central to the assessment.”

Join the conversation and learn more about the present and future of public education by subscribing to the Up Close Podcast. Check out other episodes from season one featuring leading voices in public education here.

Visit the NEA’s website to learn more about the growing teacher shortage and the recommendations the NEA has put forth as solutions.