Our latest report, Closing Gaps, Sustaining Change, covers what we learned from our 12 year, Closing the Achievement Gaps Initiative, support of seven union-district-community teams. What exactly did we learn? This report includes analysis of innovations designed to increase teaching effectiveness. It’s also informed by the heroic, research-based work of thousands of educators, their union and district leaders, and their community partners to change the culture both within schools and their community, while closing the achievement gaps, and improving learning conditions for more than 200,000 students.
The teams’ work together is living testimony to the power of the NEA Foundation’s theory of action: that issues of teaching and learning can only be addressed at scale when all stakeholders play a role, and when educators are viewed as the change agents with the greatest potential to change those students’ outcomes, and ultimately, their lives. Talk about innovative education programs!
The video above offers a glimpse into how these districts collaborated on sustainable school improvement.
Want more? Over the years we’ve gathered knowledge from the educators we support and created a library of issue briefs and reports that provide an engaging snapshot of features, pulled directly from these powerful, collaborative partnerships.
We hope you will share these valuable resources to inform and engage educators and education stakeholders you know!
Then take it a step further by exploring educational grant opportunities that can make a difference. See for yourself how the NEA Foundation can help.